
Showing posts from November 29, 2015

Shearing Is Caring

The turning point in tackling climate change conference in Paris

                 During the meeting the talks over global warming must be limited to two Celsius. To tackle climate change consensus on a new global strategy for the global conference on Monday in Paris, capital of France has begun. The United Nations held a conference called COP21 and 195 countries in the negotiations to reduce carbon emissions will try to reach a unanimous agreement. Before the demonstration in Paris Conference 'Drought and warming is a serious threat. The global temperature would not be possible to stop the dangerous' International conference on climate change, rallies in favor of the agreement The president of the conference participants stressed that meaningful because they are the future generation is watching us. "I personally have come to say that the United States does not recognize the problem, but it is bound to do something to solve. Russian President Vladimir Putin told the conference that "we have shown that the economic gro

Paris-style attack in the UK can be easily

                                Iraq could only be suppressed by force, British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon warned that the militant group was not against Islamic invasion of the UK cities like Paris in the 'easy' can be. British newspaper Sunday Telegraph said in an interview given to the London, Manchester and Glasgow in Paris is the risk of such attacks. 'Syrian' Islamic 'to be allowed to bomb' US calls for more cooperation against Islamic Mr. Fallon, the Islamic militant group in the Royal Air Force air operations involving British MPs are trying to get support. He said Iraq could only be suppressed by force. Defence Minister Michael Fallon acknowledged that Labour MP Jeremy Corbin air strikes in support of their members do not vote, then they will be difficult to get the support of the House of Commons. According to government sources, the increase in air operations against Islamic parliament is expe