
Showing posts from November 15, 2015

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World of tuurz Nadal beat Djokovic in the semi-finals

                                       Djokovic, 14 Nadal has won ten Grand Slam title Novak Djokovic , Rafael Nadal ATP World Tour Finals tennis semi-finals by defeating easily made it to the finals and now they have a chance to win the title for the fourth consecutive time. Novak Djokovic of Serbia belonging to the Spanish tennis star Rafael Nadal six, three and six, beat three matches were played between two players win ratio is equal to 23-23. "I want to get the support of fans. With this win against Djokovic Nadal won eight of the last nine matches won. The player will face Djokovic in the final decision of the match between Roger Federer and uaurynka the second semi-final will be. Nadal played well in the group matches and the tournament after three good victories that he had returned to his best form. Jukuuuc the event they were unable to present the game they are known for. But Djokovic in the match after winning the first set well back and not allowed to retur

Brussels 'threat of terrorism', security on high alert

Belgian authorities have tightened security in nybrslz Brussels , capital of Belgium, the central region has been abandoned because of the threat of terrorism. Concerns similar attacks a few hours before the Paris restaurants and other places of the city have been closed. Army troops patrol the streets of the city and alleged militants seeking Saleh Abdul is said about them that they are armed with suicide belts. Paris bombing suspect arrested All countries involved in the war against Iraq. Paris attacker's brother left According to reports, he was present in Brussels and Syria are trying to go. However, last week in Paris, the Islamic militant group attacks the assailants stayed in Brussels. 130 people were killed in those attacks. Belgian Prime Minister Charles Mitchell says' limited information 'that' armed with guns and explosives attacked several people can ... Perhaps many places. " Saleh Abdul carrying a Belgian driver told his law

Washington struggles for clear line on Syria

Russian air strikes have had a significant impact in Syria - and beyond Russia's intervention in Syria has changed the military and diplomatic dynamic in the crisis and left the US struggling to catch up. Whatever the inconsistencies in Moscow's own policies, it has highlighted the deficiencies in Washington's approach - not least the collapse of its ailing "train and equip" programme for Syria, which was largely going nowhere. Washington badly needs a new approach. US prestige in the region is at a low point. Most of its allies are in one way or another negotiating with Moscow, and the clear message is that any new diplomatic path will run through the Russian capital rather than Washington. Moscow's air strikes have overwhelmingly targeted non-Islamic State (IS) groups and to that extent have actually assisted the so-called IS. Indicative of the ailing US policy is that the frequency of US air strikes against IS targets in Syria has slowe

Planner cousin ideal 'suicide bombers' were not

Prosecutors have confirmed that the body of 26-year-old is a good verse bualhsn Wednesday night after the operation has been French authorities explained that the 26-year-old cousin of the Paris attacks mastermind bualhsn good verse did not blow himself in a suicide attack. On Friday, prosecutors in the Paris suburb of San Disney -raid after police had recovered a third body. Prosecutors confirmed that the body of 26-year-old is a good verse bualhsn Wednesday night after the operation has received. After killing some important questions abaaud Terrorism: "Europe must urgently awareness' Before being considered by officials at the police bualhsn good verse had blown herself up in a suicide attack. But officials say the suicide bomber was a man of good. French investigators say Paris Moroccan-Belgian terrorist attacks mastermind Abdul was abaaud, the Disney-San was killed during a police raid. Paris last Friday night, a series of attacks in areas where most people

Paris after the attacks rock bands canceled their concert

                  Rock band U2 concert hall at the Paris btaklan to express sympathy with the victims Motor Head, Cold Play, Fu Fighters and U2 rock bands named after the attacks in Paris have canceled their upcoming performances. Fu fighters on Monday in Paris, but he had to perform this painful torture, the Government has decided to cancel his upcoming performances. A Muslim who saved two women Europe against the war? Rock Band Motor France who head to the concert in the capital on Sunday, but now they will perform in January. Kuldply while the live stream concert in Paris in the wake of these attacks, it is canceled. It attacks Friday in the stadium, including concert halls, restaurants and bars were targeted. The attacks killed 129 people, including 89 people were killed at the time when concert halls btaklan American band Eagles of Death Metal, was performed. Pareris aft the attacks rock bands canceled their concert He said, "Our prayers and best wishes are with a

Terrorism: "Europe must urgently awareness'

                                           Other areas of France including Paris Strict security arrangements The French Prime Minister Manuel Wallis said that Paris attacks from extremist organization Islamic immigrants in Europe, taking advantage of the crisis in sight without success to reach France. France reach the Paris attacks Planner attackers already present in France and Belgium. Now do not know how many there are extremist groups or individual terrorists involved in the attacks, Saleh Abdul and Paris about whether they still do not know that in France, in Belgium. PM French prosecutor said Friday that the idea was killed in the raid in San Disney-ualymstbh militants suspected of planning attacks in Paris, including Abdul abaaud. France's lower house of parliament approved the emergency extension Emergency three-month extension in France 'Extremist chemical, biological weapons could be used. "We actually looked hell that night.