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Terrorism: "Europe must urgently awareness'

                                          Other areas of France including Paris Strict security arrangements

The French Prime Minister Manuel Wallis said that Paris attacks from extremist organization Islamic immigrants in Europe, taking advantage of the crisis in sight without success to reach France.

France reach the Paris attacks Planner attackers already present in France and Belgium. Now do not know how many there are extremist groups or individual terrorists involved in the attacks, Saleh Abdul and Paris about whether they still do not know that in France, in Belgium.
French prosecutor said Friday that the idea was killed in the raid in San Disney-ualymstbh militants suspected of planning attacks in Paris, including Abdul abaaud.
France's lower house of parliament approved the emergency extension
Emergency three-month extension in France
'Extremist chemical, biological weapons could be used.
"We actually looked hell that night.
                                       Prime Minister Saleh Abdul suspected bomber is still not known
The EU ministers meeting on Friday to draft a resolution, according to which the countries on its external borders through mutual cooperation will be essential and systematic scrutiny.
The war against France in the Islamic world to support the draft resolution presented to the UN.
French President Francois Hollande in Paris this resolution strikes against the Islamic world is part of the policy response. Under such a policy, President Hollande will visit next week to Washington and Moscow.

                  The prosecutor's office says that so far it was not clear whether Abdul abaaud blew himself

Paris suspected mastermind of the attacks Abdul abaaud bullets and shrapnel-riddled body Wednesday in a suburb of Paris was an apartment.
27-year-old Belgian citizen Abdul abaaud been identified by their fingerprints.
He said Europe is very important to be aware that they immediately and terrorism should organize themselves for the competition.
          However, shootings and suicide bombings in Paris on Friday that 129 people were killed and hundreds injured

Investigators are still seeking Saleh Abdul speculation about the attacks on Friday night after he had gone Belgium.

The French lower house of emergency in the three-month period is extended
Terrorism: "Europe must urgently awareness'
Schofield BBC correspondent in Paris says Abdul abaaud be identified raises serious questions about the security services.
The French and Belgian security agencies were wanted and still been able to travel to Paris to Syria.
The French lower house of emergency in the three-month period is extended.
In case of an extension, which the police are on duty, they would also carrying weapons.
France's Senate is expected to approve the extension of emergency on Friday to give.


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