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American doctor Larry Nisser 'sexually exploited girls'

A judge of the US State Magnus has said that the former gynecologist, Larry Nasser, has exploited 265 girls in American Olympics. The prosecutor says that at least 65 affected women will be present in court this week. Gymnastics Dr Larry Nisar was sentenced to 160 to 175 years after 160 female statements last week. The sexual exploitation of the players, the American doctor, was imprisoned for 175 years 'Pours millions of rupees from one country on pornographic movies' 'Daily 11 children abused' Among the target killers, Larry Nasser is the Alizabeth Gold Medal, who won the Olympic Goldclub and Joddie Weber. 54 years old, Larry Nisser has already been sentenced to 60 years for making pornographic movies. In this recent hearing, the court is going to tell the patients in a room at the Twistz's Gymnastics Club on sexual exploitation. One of the victims of sexual abuse was less than 13 years of age, while two were 15 or 16 years old. During the jud